Sometimes, to relax before falling asleep at an hour I used to deem ridiculously early, The Audiophile and I will watch a bit of edutainment via the YouTubes. One of the newer channels in our arsenal is The Audiophiliac so I can see his haute couture.
Trust me when I say the guy has a serious shirt collection that undoubtedly keeps all the single ladies tuned in on a regular basis. Recently, The Audiophiliac made reference to his zippidy-do-dah shirt and informed his viewers that Mrs. Audiophiliac had made it. Hard. Stop.
There is a MRS. Audiophiliac? AND SHE MAKES SHIRTS?
I went to The Googler and pecked in “The Audiophiliac’s Wife.” Boom, there she was, on her very own episode being introduced to the world wide web like some sort of rock star or opera diva. Whatever the case, she is gracious, smart, ridiculously talented AND she’s clearly an audiophile who demurely pretends not to be an audiophile—and to that I am sending her my slyest of smiles and a virtual high five.