- Can I lie down on The Listening Sofa? No.
- Can I select the music? Not if you're me.
- Can I text a friend? No.
- Can I sing along? Only if you are naked or Diana Krall.
- Can I clap between songs? You're kidding, right?
- Can I ask non-audio questions? No.
- Can I bring a beverage? Only if it is a quiet beverage.
- Can I bring a salty-crunchy snack? Good golly, no.
To ensure the listening experience is successful, ask the following question when the audiophile has paused the music and appears relaxed and comfortable: How would you describe the sound stage today, dear?
You do not have to understand the response, but it is advisable to thoughtfully nod your head as if you do. Additionally, this is an appropriate time to take a few sips of your quiet beverage without blurring the detail of the music or causing an apocalyptic event.
And that, my friends, is audio winning.